Scala Functions
Persistent Functions can be written in Scala + SBT.
What you'll need
Your code files are structured like a normal SBT project, including a build.sbt
. You can use either a single-module or multi-module project. For simplicity, we describe a single-module project here.
scalaVersion := "3.3.1"
name := "chainless-function-example"
publish / skip := true
version := "0.1.0"
assembly / assemblyJarName := "function.jar"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "2.10.0",
"org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "3.5.2",
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-ember-client" % "1.0.0-M40",
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-circe" % "1.0.0-M40",
"io.circe" %% "circe-core" % "0.14.6",
"io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % "0.14.6",
"io.circe" %% "circe-parser" % "0.14.6"
There are several items listed under libraryDependencies
. These are not specifically required, but at minimum, you'll need an HTTP client in order to call the event API. In this example, we use cats
as a general framework, http4s
to make API calls, and circe
to handle JSON.
SBT Plugins
In addition to the normal build.sbt file, you will need to include an SBT plugin which can package up your project as a self-contained JAR.
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "2.1.5")
Function Code
Next, write your function's main
import cats.effect.*
import cats.implicits.*
import io.circe.*
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.*
import io.circe.syntax.*
import org.http4s.*
import org.http4s.circe.*
import org.http4s.client.*
import org.http4s.ember.client.EmberClientBuilder
import org.typelevel.log4cats.LoggerFactory
import org.typelevel.log4cats.slf4j.Slf4jFactory
object BlockCounter extends IOApp.Simple {
private given LoggerFactory[IO] = Slf4jFactory.create[IO]
private val callbackBase = System.getEnv("CALLBACK_BASE_URL")
override def run: IO[Unit] =
EmberClientBuilder.default[IO].build.use(client =>
.onError(throwable =>
throwable.getMessage + "\n" + throwable.getStackTrace.mkString("\n"))
def handleAllTasks(client: Client[IO]): IO[Unit] =
nextTask(client).semiflatMap(handleTask(client)).fold(().some)(_ => none).untilDefinedM
def nextTask(client: Client[IO]): OptionT[IO, Task] =
.semiflatMap(string => IO.fromEither(io.circe.parser.parse(string)))
.semiflatMap(json => IO.fromEither([Task]))
def handleTask(client: Client[IO])(task: Task): IO[Unit] =
(task match {
case InitTask(config) => init(config)
case ApplyTask(blockWithMeta, functionState) => applyBlock(blockWithMeta, functionState)
.flatMap(newState => submitResult(client)(newState))
def submitResult(client: Client[IO])(state: Json): IO[Unit] =
def submitError(client: Client[IO])(error: String): IO[Unit] =
def init(config: Json): IO[Json] =
def applyBlock(blockWithMeta: BlockWithMeta, functionState: FunctionState): IO[Json] =
for {
currentState <- IO([Map[String, Long]]).rethrow
previousValue = currentState.getOrElse(blockWithMeta.meta.chain, 0L)
newState = currentState.asJsonObject.add(blockWithMeta.meta.chain, (previousValue + 1).asJson).toJson
} yield newState
given Codec[BlockMeta] = deriveCodec
given Codec[BlockWithMeta] = deriveCodec
given Codec[FunctionState] = deriveCodec
given Decoder[InitTask] = deriveDecoder
given Decoder[ApplyTask] = deriveDecoder
given Decoder[Task] = cursor =>
.flatMap {
case "init" =>[InitTask]
case "apply" =>[ApplyTask]
case class FunctionState(chainStates: Map[String, String], state: Json)
case class BlockWithMeta(meta: BlockMeta, block: Json)
case class BlockMeta(chain: String, blockId: String, height: Long)
sealed abstract class Task
case class InitTask(config: Json) extends Task
case class ApplyTask(blockWithChain: BlockWithMeta, stateWithChains: FunctionState) extends Task
There are several model/class definitions and their corresponding encoders. In the future, we hope to provide helper libraries to handle all of this for you. Alternatively, you can just use work with raw JSON at the risk of losing type safety.
Assemble and Upload
Once your function is written, you can package the whole thing up into a self-contained JAR by running from the command line:
sbt assembly
Assuming a single-module SBT project, a JAR file will be produced at target/scala-3.3.1/function.jar
, but its path will also be printed to the console. This JAR file can be uploaded to Chainless.