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Data Models

A Chainless function generally has two parameters: the function's state and a block with metadata.

Function State

Captures the current state of the function, including some metadata about the blocks that have been applied.

It is structured like:

"chainStates": {
"<chain name>": "<last applied block ID>"
"state": {
"myFunctionData": 37

The chainStates field is an object where the keys are blockchain names and the values are the respective block ID that was last applied. The chain names are:

  • bitcoin
  • ethereum

The state field is specific to your function. It can contain any JSON information that is necessary for your function to run and operate.

Block With Metadata

Different blockchains have different formats for their blocks and transactions. Chainless captures specific metadata fields to provide uniform indices and views of the data. The raw block data in the original format of the blockchain is also provided. The BlockWithMeta object is structured like:

"meta": {
"chain": "<chain name>", // "bitcoin" or "ethereum"
"blockId": "<block ID>",
"parentBlockId": "<parent block ID>",
"height": 35,
"timestampMs": 1709345437671
"block": {
// Blockchain-specific